All guided visualizations are written and spoken by Sara Carapezzi, Peaceful Vibrations.

Sleep and Guided Meditation

Files can be purchased for either individual use or professional use. What is Professional Use?

Peaceful Sleep (16:48)

Find comfort, still the mind, and relax into a peaceful sleep. Music Composer: Christopher Lloyd Clarke, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

General Guided Meditation (14:39)

This gentle guided Meditation helps you to focus mind, body and breath to experience a deep feeling of peace. Music Composer: Christopher Lloyd Clarke, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

Guided Visualization for World Peace (14:54)

Send Love and Light to the earth and all of the earth’s people. Experience an opening of the Heart Center. Music Composer: Christopher Lloyd Clarke, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00