All guided visualizations are written and spoken by Sara Carapezzi, Peaceful Vibrations.

Accepting Love Series

Files can be purchased for either individual use or professional use. What is Professional Use?

The Cabin: Connect Inwardly and Feel Infinite Love (20:22)

Follow your own path, listen to your heart and accept expanding Love energy throughout your body. Music: Christopher Lloyd Clark, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

Be Light: Accepting Light and Limitless Love (25:35)

Allow the power of Love and Light to fill you and open your heart to expansion. Music: Christopher Lloyd Clark, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

The Lighthouse (19:21)

To experience fully the light within, you must first release what holds you back. Feel all negativity, anger, resentment and fear dissolve as you discover your own inner Light. Music: Christopher Lloyd Clark, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

Fireflies (15:30)

Learn to shine your own inner Light from a most unexpected source. Every life is extraordinary! Music: Christopher Lloyd Clark, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

Messages and Messengers (20:18)

You are surrounded and guided by Love always. Learn to see the messages and messengers around you. Music by: Christopher Lloyd Clarke, Enlightened Audio.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

Ocean Waves (19:32)

Merge into the ocean of consciousness and become Love. Music by: Pond 5, Piano and Guitar with Ocean.

Individual use – $7.99
Professional use – $27.00

Accepting Love Bundle

The Accepting Love Bundle includes:

  • Guided Visualization: Be Light
  • Guided Visualization: Fireflies
  • Guided Visualization: General Guided Meditation
  • Affirmations: Self Acceptance: I AM WORTHY

Individual use only, not for professional use.

Individual use – $21.99