Membership Terms and Conditions

Membership Agreement

The monthly membership fee of $19.99 and is automatically charged to your card each month on the same day as your initial billing date.

You may cancel your membership at any time for any reason. You must give a 14-day notice. If you do not give a 14-day notice, your membership will be cancelled in the next billing cycle.

To properly cancel your membership, you must submit a signed cancellation of membership notice. You can find this feature in our membership tab.

Your purchase is final, and refunds are not offered at any time.

Your Membership includes unlimited streaming from any Audio recording on our Member Portal. The Member Portal features all visualizations and meditations offered to the public plus additional audio recordings that are available to members only.

All live classes and seminars are included in your membership fee. You may attend as many live classes as you would like.

Meditation and Visualization

Peaceful Vibrations does not diagnose, treat, cure, or provide any medical advice or service. Nothing provided by Peaceful Vibrations, affiliates and/or partners shall be considered medical advice or treatment. If you have any concerns, medical conditions, pre-existing injury, or illness, please consult a licensed health care provider.

With the practice of meditation and the clearing of energy blocks you may encounter the following: irritability, tired, mood swings, energy releases such as crying or laughing, memories and emotions.

Peaceful Vibrations is not liable for any and all effects that you encounter during and /or after your meditations. You are on a self-guided journey, and you enter and participate at your own risk and take full responsibility for your journey.

Peaceful Vibrations does not have any affiliation with any religious groups or churches. However, the very nature of our visualizations is spiritual, and we do believe in a Higher Power. This reference is part of many of the visualizations.

You agree to defend, hold harmless and indemnify us for any of your negligent or reckless acts or omissions. You warrant and represent that you have no medical, mental health or another condition which would prohibit you from participating in any of our services.

Consult with your medical health professional before participating in any of our meditation or visualization programs.

Termination of Membership by Peaceful Vibrations

Peaceful vibrations reserves the right to terminate any membership at any time for any reason.

In the event of a termination a refund will be given for the balance of the package purchased. The membership fees will stop immediately upon notice of membership being revoked.

Terms and Conditions

The Visualizations and Meditations are for your personal use only. To use them for professional use or for larger audiences please see our Licensing Agreement.

It is unlawful to edit or add any additional voice or music or sounds to these visualizations in whole or in part. They may not be used in advertising, social media or any online forum.

Please be advised that you may enter a deep state of relaxation. This relaxed state may last for hours after your visualization. You are advised not to listen while driving a car or operating machinery of any kind. Refrain from operating machinery after listening to the meditations and visualizations until you feel fully alert.

Visualizations and meditation are not a substitute for medical or mental health treatments. If you are working with a health professional, you are advised to speak with them about the advisability of incorporating meditation practices before engaging in any audio recording or live class with Peaceful Vibrations. Although Meditation can be a helpful complement to treatment, adverse effects may arise in certain circumstances. These practices can lead to an acute awareness of unpleasant thoughts, intense emotions, or uncomfortable body sensations. If you find yourself experiencing these, please contact a mental health specialist and discontinue use until advised otherwise.

I affirm that I am responsible to decide whether to practice Meditation/Visualization. Any participation in Peaceful Vibrations with Sara Carapezzi in any and all events and activities (live or recorded) is voluntary and at my own risk. I hereby agree to irrevocably release and waive any claims that I have now or may have hereafter against Peaceful Vibrations. I agree that this release shall be binding upon my heirs, executors, administrators, and assigns. By agreeing, I acknowledge that I have read it in full and understand all of its terms. I execute it voluntarily with full knowledge of its significance.


By agreeing to these terms of service you release Peaceful Vibrations LLC, subsidiaries, affiliates, owners, members, officers, directors, partners, employees, consultants, advisors, agents, lawyers, insurers, subcontractors or volunteers from any and all claims of emotional or physical injury, from any loss, obligation, damages, costs, claims, claims or causes of action of any nature known or unknown, that you and any third party have or may have in the future toward Peaceful Vibrations, LLC products or services.

I have read this agreement thoroughly and fully understand it. I enter into it voluntarily on behalf of myself, my spouse, my heirs, next of kind, personal representatives, related individuals, and related entities. No one has made any representations, statements that changes or modifies anything in this agreement.

I have read all and understand all of the Membership Agreement and am in agreement with the terms and conditions contained herein. I understand that I am waiving rights I would otherwise have and do that knowingly and willingly.