
Mission & Promise

Providing you the space to go within


Discover a truly unique experience through meditation and visualization.
At Peaceful Vibrations we know that every thought, word and feeling has power. Our visualizations allow you to create positive changes in your mind, words and heart. Our mission is to guide you to discover and embrace your Inner Peace through reflection and contemplation. You’ll discover a process of shifting your awareness to an expanded version of who you are, and who you want to become.

We believe that when you give yourself permission to release all that holds you back, you find the freedom to embrace your true essence. At Peaceful Vibrations we guide you to go within and open to greater awareness and lasting benefits.

  • JOY


My journey began decades ago. As a young mother, I seemingly had it all, but had a longing to understand myself and the world around me more deeply. These Visualizations are the result of over 25 years of deep study and reflection. They are meant to assist you to find greater peace and help you to recognize the beauty that you are and the beauty of life!

I am deeply grateful to my Teacher who imparted Wisdom and Inspiration through many years of my devoted study, helping me to find my Self. I offer my gratitude to all of those that held my hand, lifted me up when I fell, loved unconditionally and offered unending support.

May these visualizations help you on your journey and guide you to connect with the Voice of Strength, Power and Love Within.

Blessings of Peace Always,